We are a Los Angeles based program that engages students in learning experiences about the workplace, power, and social change. Our work is supported by the Miguel Contreras Foundation and the UCLA Labor Center.
“…students [should] see themselves as social actors, to realize that what they do in the world matters- they are not simply objects to be thrown around by some remote process called History.”
— Bill Bigelow, Rethinking Our Classrooms, Volume I
“I am hearing tons of positive things about the collective bargaining sessions here at [our school]! Thanks so much for making this happen. Please let me know if there is capacity to do any more sessions at our school this year!”
What are schools saying about the
Young Workers Education Project?
“[Our classroom teacher] shared with me that he felt the experience was a tremendous success for his students and was proud of the way they adapted to their experiential learning in real time. What a remarkably valuable learning experience for our students. Thank you so much.